Sunday, October 2, 2016

Hiking in Iceland, four 4Ks, recent press, and this year's fundraising goal MET

Hard to believe a month has gone by!  So much has happened, and all of it was documented on either Alex's blog or our Laugavegur Trek blog.

First, to catch up on our 4K blogging --  we did the Osceolas on September 18, Moriah on September 25, and today we did Waumbek (trip report coming soon on Alex's blog).

Second -- we hiked Iceland's Laugavegur Trail from September 8-11!  It was a wonderful experience. Trip reports for that trek can be found here.

Third -- The Concord Monitor did a lovely piece on Sisters Hiking for Equality!  Also, the podcast Journey Seekers interviewed us; that podcast will be broadcast in February.

Fourth -- the girls met their 2016 fundraising goal for Global Fund for Women!  They went over the $3000 mark yesterday with two $576 donations.  They need to repeat that fundraising every year from now until they go to college to make their final goal of around $18,000.

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