Saturday, July 25, 2015

Mt. Jackson. July 23, 2015

We wanted to get in a hike this week -- our only option was an afternoon hike after the girls' time at our local summer camp.  We opted for Mt. Jackson, since we can do it quickly and it's not too terribly far from home.  Both girls have now visited this peak seven or eight times, but it's a lovely trek and the summit sports a nice view of the southern Presidentials (and, when it's not in the clouds, Mt. Washington).

We arrived at the trailhead around 2pm.  It was a cool day, so luckily we didn't have to deal with the typical afternoon summer heat.

Jackson is a moderate hike with only a few steep bits.  The trail is full of rocks and roots, which is typical for the Whites.

We made short work of the 1.3 miles to the intersection...

...and we happily covered the remaining 1.2 miles to the summit.

Our favorite part of this hike is, of course, the ledgy scrambles and walk-ups at treeline.

Cairn on top of Jackson (yet not at true summit) --


There was a nice breeze blowing up top, as there usually is on the Presidentials.  We sat and ate homemade Congo bars until we felt like heading back down.

This was a nice, quick hike for us -- we've done Jackson so often this past year that it now feels as familiar to us as the Mt. Tecumseh Trail.

Since we began so late in the day, we saw a lot of people.  Typically, we hike first thing in the morning and are usually off the mountain(s) before the crowds start heading up.  This time around, we were heading up while all the people were coming down.  Everyone we met seemed nice, happy, and like they were having a great time.

We hope to get out there at least twice next week.  If the weather is decent, we will tackle Huntington Ravine Trail.  The girls didn't get to do it as planned last week because of the weather, and they're excited to give it a go.

Happy hiking, and see you on the trails.

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