Wednesday, June 17, 2015

East Osceola. June 17, 2015

Our last New Hampshire hike for a month!  We will soon be on a plane traveling to Asia.  This trip report will therefore be quick.

Greeley Ponds Trail and Mt. Osceola Trail.  5.6 miles out-and-back with 2200 feet of elevation gain.

This is a steep hike -- you have 1.3 miles of easy grade and then it's nothing but steep-steep-steep all the way up.  It made for an excellent morning workout today.


More steepness!

View from the slide.

Heading up the (small) slide.

Looking down a steep bit after having ascended it.

Almost there!  That's the summit.


We won't have any trip reports to share for a couple of weeks.  We are off to hike something wonderful -- I will tell you all about it when we are back in the USA.

Happy hiking, everyone!

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