Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Cannon. March 16, 2015

Kinsman Ridge Trail, 4 miles roundtrip with 2100 feet elevation gain.

Cannon -- again!  We had planned to do something longer on Sunday, but Sunday's weather was just plain awful...rain plus snow plus more rain....I don't mind hiking in snow, and I don't mind hiking in rain during the summer...but snow + rain during the winter = too great a risk of hypothermia.  One of the important tricks to winter hiking is to avoid getting wet (and therefore dangerously cold).

So instead of a nice long hike on Sunday, we opted for a short, quick hike Monday morning.  The girls' scheduled schoolwork and extracurriculars kept us from staying out all day, but Cannon is close to our home and therefore a relatively quick excursion.

The trails boasted two to six inches of fresh powder, so we had a bit of work cut out for us.

Up we went.  The snow was light, so the effort wasn't too terribly strenuous.

We experienced the occasional one/two-foot drift...

...but we got to treeline sooner than we expected.  It was a bright, sunny day...but cold.  I didn't put on my balaclava before venturing out into exposure-ville, and I regretted it.  This wasn't quite frostbite weather, but my face was uncomfortable nonetheless.

We got up and over the last push, then we headed toward the summit tower.  I didn't take a photo up on top, since my hands were getting cold.

We lounged in the ski building and drank hot cocoa for a while before descending.

Franconia Ridge, one of our views while heading down Cannon
We got back to the car a bit after noon.

I'm grateful to live so close to many of these trailheads!

Hope you're all having a nice end-of-winter.

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