Friday, May 25, 2012

The Friday Wrap: Radio Boston, NPR, and Mt. Chewbacca

Looks like I'm recording an original essay for NPR's "All Things Considered" next week.  I'm honored to have this opportunity!

Boston folks, tune in to Radio Boston (WBUR) on Friday, June 1, between 3 and 4pm.  I'll be on the air live with Meghna Chakrabarti.

The Friday Wrap

The girls and I hiked Mt. Chocorua (aka Mt. Chewbacca) yesterday.  This peak has a reputation for gorgeous views, but all we got was cloud.  We enjoyed ourselves nonetheless; I'll post the full trip report next week.

Alex and Sage on Mt. Chewbacca...I mean, Mt. Chihuahua...wait, that's not it...

On the book front, things are going very well. Up: A Mother and Daughter's Peakbagging Adventure continues to get rave reviews and a lot of attention.  The girls are doing fine with all this, since I keep their routines as normal as possible and I try to do most of my writing after they've gone to bed.  I'm not getting as much writing done as I'd like, but I am first and foremost a homeschooling mom.  Some days I have trouble maintaining a balance...the girls didn't get breakfast until 10:30am today, since I was busy juggling emails and phone calls...but everyone's happy and the girls passed their end-of-year-exams with flying colors, so I guess that means all is well in our world.  :)

Have a great holiday weekend, folks.

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